Brookside Elementary School
District: |
Baldwin School District |
Address: |
940 Stanton Ave Baldwin, Ny 11510 |
Phone: |
(516) 377-9318 |
Grades: |
(grades KG - 05)
Students: |
229 |
Type: |
Regular elementary and secondary schools |
Locale: |
Urban Fringe of Large City |
Average Rating: |
Brookside Elementary strives to insure your child is excited about learning! BrookSide Elementary School believes providing an exceptional education creates productive community members, the Principal is Ms.Sherman. Brookside teaches your child fundamental courses from grades K through grades 5th in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. At Brookside Elementary both Teachers and parents work together to insure that their children are excited about learning
Brookside Elementary School School Reviews 1 total |
Date posted: |
February 21, 2008 |
Posted by: |
current student |
Rating: |
![](/images/r_5stars.gif) |
Review: |
I used to be a student at Brookside elementary 1 year ago. Brookside is an awesome which focuses on education and disipline. however it is a small school and. it doesnt only show excellence in dicipline but is fun for the student. Brookside pushes a child to do their best in the funnest way they possibly can! Way to go baldwin school district!!! |
-- Student Info --
Black, non-Hispanic: |
76% |
Hispanic: |
12% |
White, non-Hispanic: |
7% |
Asian/Pacific Islander: |
4% |
Attendance rate: |
97% |
-- Staff Info --
Average years teaching total: |
12 |
Average years teaching in district: |
11 |
First-year teachers: |
0% |
Bachelor's degree: |
13% |
Master's degree: |
87% |
Doctorate degree: |
0% |
Students per teacher: |
15 |
Student Academic Scores and Performance
Performance measurement: % meeting or exceeding standards |
Grade 3 |
Subject |
Year |
Performance |
English Language Arts |
2007 |
87% |
English Language Arts |
2006 |
91% |
Math |
2007 |
97% |
Math |
2006 |
100% |
Grade 4 |
Subject |
Year |
Performance |
English Language Arts |
2007 |
100% |
English Language Arts |
2006 |
93% |
Math |
2007 |
100% |
Math |
2006 |
93% |
Grade 5 |
Subject |
Year |
Performance |
English Language Arts |
2007 |
91% |
English Language Arts |
2006 |
75% |
Math |
2007 |
96% |
Math |
2006 |
79% |
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