William Paca Middle School
District: |
William Floyd School District |
Address: |
338 Blanco Dr Mastic Beach, Ny 11951 |
Phone: |
(631) 874-1414 |
Grades: |
(grades 06 - 08)
Students: |
1,559 |
Type: |
Regular elementary and secondary schools |
Locale: |
Urban Fringe of Large City |
Average Rating: |
The William Paca Middle School staff, students and parents are committed to meeting district goals by supporting educational programs, services and ideas which will offer challenging and stimulating educational experiences in a safe environment for all our students.
Spanning grades 6, 7 and 8, William Paca Middle School serves approximately 1500 students. Within each grade level, students are exposed to a comprehensive and challenging curriculum in all subject areas. It is our building goal that these experiences will foster growth in the academic, physical, emotional, social and aesthetic potential of all our students. |
William Paca Middle School School Reviews 1 total |
Date posted: |
April 21, 2008 |
Posted by: |
current student |
Rating: |
Review: |
i absolutly LOVE william paca middle school. All of my teachers and peers treat me with all the respect in the world. I know that no other school can possible compare to the best school on Earth: William Paca Middle School!! =) |
-- Student Info --
Student Suspensions / Year: |
247 |
-- Staff Info --
School Head Principal: |
Barbara Butler |
Full Time Principals: |
1 |
Full Time Assistant Principals: |
3 |
Full Time Teachers: |
78 |
Other Full Time Professional Campus Staff: |
6 |
Student Academic Scores and Performance
Performance measurement: % meeting or exceeding standards |
Grade 6 |
Subject |
Year |
Performance |
English Language Arts |
2007 |
66% |
English Language Arts |
2006 |
67% |
Math |
2007 |
74% |
Math |
2006 |
56% |
Grade 7 |
Subject |
Year |
Performance |
English Language Arts |
2007 |
54% |
English Language Arts |
2006 |
56% |
Math |
2007 |
71% |
Math |
2006 |
59% |
Grade 8 |
Subject |
Year |
Performance |
English Language Arts |
2007 |
60% |
English Language Arts |
2006 |
51% |
Math |
2007 |
62% |
Math |
2006 |
50% |
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